Open source greenshot
Open source greenshot

5天前—...GreenshotalternativeisShareX,whichisbothfreeandOpenSource.OthergreatappslikeGreenshotareFlameshot,LightShot,Ksnipand ...,isfreeandopensource!Only$1.99tocoverourowncosts!Inmostcases,thelateststableversionwillbethebestchoiceforyou:ithasbee...

Greenshot for Windows

Greenshotisalight-weightscreenshotsoftwaretoolforWindowswiththefollowingkeyfeatures:...Beingeasytounderstandandconfigurable,Greenshotisan ...

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9 Best Greenshot Alternatives

5 天前 — ... Greenshot alternative is ShareX, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Greenshot are Flameshot, LightShot, Ksnip and ...


is free and open source! Only $1.99 to cover our own costs! In most cases, the latest stable version will be the best choice for you: it has been thoroughly ...


Greenshot is the most awesome tool for making screenshots you can get on your Windows PC. Get it now! Download now. Greenshot is completely free and open source ...


Free screenshot tool. Greenshot is a light-weight open-source screenshot tool that allows users to capture fully or a selection of your window.

Greenshot download

2020年8月12日 — Download Greenshot for free. An open source screenshot tool. Greenshot is an open-source screenshot software tool for Windows that quickly ...

Greenshot for Windows

Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features: ... Being easy to understand and configurable, Greenshot is an ...

Greenshot is free because it's open source (or so-called “free software”) under the GNU General Public License and is hosted by GitHub. Greenshot is also ...


Open-source software is a prominent example of open collaboration, meaning any capable user is able to participate online in development, making the number of ...


5天前—...GreenshotalternativeisShareX,whichisbothfreeandOpenSource.OthergreatappslikeGreenshotareFlameshot,LightShot,Ksnipand ...,isfreeandopensource!Only$1.99tocoverourowncosts!Inmostcases,thelateststableversionwillbethebestchoiceforyou:ithasbeenthoroughly ...,GreenshotisthemostawesometoolformakingscreenshotsyoucangetonyourWindowsPC.Getitnow!Downloadnow.Greenshotiscompletelyfreeandopensource ...